Riding on Footpaths

This is a reminder of the danger presented when students and adults ride on the footpaths around the school entrances and exits before and after school. Yesterday a serious incident occurred when a PP student who was leaving the PP centre with her parent was hit by another student who was riding a bike on … Read more

Rebuild and Landscape Update

The rebuild is now progressing well with the demolition work nearly completed to make way for the new buildings and landscaping.  In regard to this next stage of the build the existing trees on site have been considered and included within the design of the new school facilities where possible. The design team have exercised care … Read more

2023 Naplan

Years 3 and 5 will sit their NAPLAN between Wednesday 15 March and Monday 27 March. An information brochure went home to families earlier this term, however if you have any questions about NAPLAN please speak with your class teacher or email admin on hillarys.ps@education.wa.edu.au

Ed Gym (PP-Year 3)

Ed Gym for students from Pre-Primary to Year 3 started this week and will continue on a Wednesday and/or Thursday through until week 7. The Ed-Gym Program combines fundamental movement skill development, fun and fitness. This fundamental program covers the dominant movement patterns of balance, swing, spring, rotation, landings and locomotion. Gymnastics provides the building … Read more


Our Year 6 students have been busy cleaning up the Djilba nature play area and have done a fabulous job. Our Year 2 and Year 4 students have been busy cooking using some lovely fresh berries to make muffins.

New Preprimary Shed

Our new shed for preprimary has started today and will be a great addition to the preprimary outdoor area once it is completed.

Updated Traffic Management Map

As we move into Stage 2 of the rebuild we have needed to adjust our parking areas please view the map below for parents parking and student access.

Rebuild Update

Bothe TB1 and TB3 have been completed and our Kindergarten student and year 2 and 3 students are enjoying the new classes. The kindy students are loving the bike track. The rest of the school has been refenced to section of the area for Stage 2 which commenced over the holidays. This is going to … Read more