Crothers Projects – Hillarys Primary School Rebuild
Works commenced in February 2022 for the major redevelopment of Hillarys Primary School which is to be completed in 3 stages.
Located on Lymburner Drive in Hillarys the redevelopment will see the demolition of existing buildings before works can being on construction of 6 new buildings inclusive of new teaching blocks, a new library, a new administration building, service upgrades, additional carparking, new external playing courts and associated landscaping.

Read about Crothers Construction –
The Crothers family have been synonymous in commercial construction in Western Australia since 1896. From delivering iconic buildings in Kalgoorlie, during the gold rush years of the 1890’s, to the rapid development of North-West WA during the resources and oil and gas boom of the 1960/70’s, the name Crothers has proudly been associated with the built development throughout all parts of regional and metropolitan Western Australia for over 120 years.
Today, Crothers operates all over the state, with offices in Perth as well as the mid-West. Its innovative and customer centric attitude of its people, together with the business’s proud old-fashioned country values make Crothers the preferred building partner of numerous private and public sector clients throughout the state.