Rebuild News

The stage 1 rebuild has commenced which is very exciting and we know with the rebuild will come changes.

Some of the changes may impact the way you access the school and where you drop off and pick up students;

  • The oval has now been sectioned off by a large fence and you cannot access the classes from the Hillarys Oval entrance you will need to walk around on the footpath to get to the classes
  • The lower carpark has been chained off for use by the students as additional play space with an area to play ball games
  • Three bays near the old kindy have been allocated for pick up and drop off of OSHC students
  • Parking will be limited so please where you can encourage students to walk or ride
  • Please minimise the time you park the car so others can move into the bays, a quick drop off and pick up is good
  • Please be considerate of others and keep in mind the safety of students when driving and parking around the school
  • Contractors will try and minimise the traffic during our drop off and pick up times