Student Wellbeing

In Health and Physical Education, students develop the knowledge, understanding and skills to make decisions and take action to strengthen their sense of personal identity and autonomy, build resilience, manage risk and develop satisfying, respectful relationships. 

Teachers implement a comprehensive health curriculum at all year levels which incorporates the key aspects of Social & Emotional Learning, Protective Behaviours, Respectful Relationships and Drug and Resilience Education.

Zones of Regulation is a whole school program which is explicitly taught and used throughout the year. This program is designed to foster self-regulation and emotional control in our students. The language and skills will underpin our social and emotional learning throughout the year and will enhance our whole-school behaviour management strategy.

We are a SunSmart School. You can find our school’s SunSmart Policy under Our School / Policies.

What is a SunSmart School?

SunSmart Schools recognise that UV levels peak in the middle of the day and that as the UV Index rises, the associated risk of skin damage also increases. A SunSmart School has a sun protection policy and practices in place which aim to reduce over-exposure to UV.

Hillarys Primary School works with Padbury Dental Therapy Centre, in Padbury. This Dental Therapy Centre provides dental examinations and treatment to eligible school age children. To contact the clinic please click on this link:

Hillarys Primary School works with the Department of Health and has access to a school health nurse, who provides health services to school children and their families from kindergarten right through to year 12 –

Hillarys Primary School is also part of the Chaplaincy Program through the Department of Education which plays a key role in supporting schools and to provide students with pastoral care. Our school chaplain, Shaun Klaassen, is available to students twice a week offerings students a range of services and strategies to support their social and emotional wellbeing. For more information visit:

Our school is part of the Ed Connect program, which connects volunteers who want to make a difference, with young people in schools who need extra help and guidance, be it mentoring or learning support. Ed Connect aim to equip young people with the life skills they need to succeed. The mentors do this by building positive and supportive relationships with each student.

Our school is also part of the Story Dogs reading program. Their mission is to create a safe, fun, supportive, non-judgemental environment for primary school aged children needing assistance with literacy. We are so lucky to have 2 story dogs that visit our school, with their owners part of our school parent community. Find out more here: